Quotes from some of our very happy clients:

Initially a sceptic of BSR, I now look forward to my sessions.

Mike Woudberg
Businessman and Sportsman

Crippled with pain down my left leg, taking 1 ½ hrs to stand every morning.
Now slight discomfort and given me my life back!.

Glendyr Dade

Regained strength in body and mind.

Mike Woudberg
Businessman and Sportsman

7 Weeks premature with bad colic. Now peaceful and calm, easy to burp, falls asleep with ease.


Recovering from a hip operation, pain and tension in shoulders and neck.
A series of BSR sessions and I’m agile, supple and feeling younger.

Manja Kruger

Many sporting injuries, particular a shoulder injury, leading to mid and lower back pain.
Regained confidence in my body’s abilities.

Mike Woudberg
Businessman and Sportsman

Recommended for getting into peak physical condition at any age.

Manja Kruger