BSR YouTubeTranscript – 3

Transcript of YouTube 3/5 – The Benefits of Body Stress Release

Numbness, Fatigue, Neck pain, Joint pain

We have been given the most finely tuned and  amazing bodies one could wish to have. Their capacity to heal is phenomenal and we tend  to forget that. The problem is that the body hasn’t forgotten how to heal, it has just  maybe got a bit stuck. If you cut yourself, you’re still going to heal, you don’t need to do anything.

Our bodies give us warning signs, warning signs that things are not that well. What do we do? We tend to ignore them. For instance, you might be exhausted at work. So, what do you do? You take something to give you more energy. Your kids might be getting cramps or sore knees during sports practices. What does the coach do? “Push on, push through it”. You’ll be fine. Our minds are very powerful, but at the end of the day it’s always the body that wins. The body will  make a plan to try and do what the mind wants. But when it can’t anymore, it literally shuts you down. It locks down by muscle spasming at a very deep level because of the overload you keep putting onto it.

In Body Stress Release, it’s a very gentle technique because we don’t override to the body’s natural protective capacity. So you could say that we’re totally non-invasive. We don’t manipulate, we don’t force the body, we’re actually using your body to test for possible sites and lines of tension and it’s not a “one-size-fits-all” type release. So it’s very specific to you and your tension on the day that you come.

If  you can imagine a tree lying across a river. It starts to hamper the flow of water and  then all the debris starts collecting behind  it. Our technique is similar to the process of removing the tree. The more bits you remove, the stronger and cleaner the river becomes. Your tight muscle, inhibiting the body’s natural flow, everything starts getting blocked. What our nudges do, is we start to remind the body of how to clear the pathways and the self-healing capacity takes over.

At the end of the day, only you can heal you. When you’re lying on our bed, you can actually feel the body starting to respond, which is quite fun. We’ll find sites of tension that you didn’t realise were there. You keep your clothes on. It’s not necessary to take anything off. We  are a complementary technique, which means we work alongside other modalities and other medicines. It is safe for everyone. It doesn’t matter your age. It doesn’t matter your life experiences, or operations you might have gone through. We can see everybody.

It is not a quick fix! We need time to adapt and heal and we don’t like giving time for adaptation or healing. We’ve got to remember  that healing is a process, it’s not an event. We tend to live in an instant world where we’ve  forgotten the value of allowing time. This is why we always recommend to begin with, start with three sessions. After that you can start assessing how your body is responding and what should happen after that.

I’m going to challenge you and say let’s all strive to have a hundred percent  efficiency in our bodies a hundred percent of the time!

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