BSR YouTubeTranscript – 4

Transcript of YouTube 4/5 – How does a BSR session work?

Back Pain, Headaches, Cramps, Sciatica, Tired

The first thing we’re going to ask for is a case history. The case history is where we’re wanting to know what sort of operations you might have had, what your background is. We are always interested in your whole body and we’re interested in your whole life because it is the accumulation of events that make you who you are today. Once we have established that, you will be getting onto our bed.

So, if it’s a portable for a home visit, you’ll be climbing onto a bed, otherwise, we have these high-low beds, which make it really easy for people who may be elderly or who can’t move very well.

You will keep your clothes on and the next thing we’re going to do is check the alignment of your feet. We then apply pressure on various parts of your body in very specific ways. We watch to see how the foot alignment changes and accordingly we can find lines of tension that run through your body.

Having established that, the releasing starts.

It feels like a nudge and is very relaxing, and we work systemically through the body. As I said, we are always interested in the whole body. At the end of the session, we’re going to advise you on what we found and how you can help yourself not get re-stressed.

The number of sessions you need will vary according to your condition and how you are progressing, but we always say go for at least three sessions to start with. Because healing is a process you need to commit to three sessions and from there you can see how things are developing and how much you will need in the future. I always suggest you get yourself onto a maintenance routine where, once a month you come in, or once every six weeks, depending on your body and depending on how stressful your life is, and have whatever stresses accumulated released.

The youngest client I have seen was just a couple of days old and the eldest was my father who was 97 at the time. So the technique is gentle and safe and definitely for everybody out there.

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