BSR YouTubeTranscript – 5

Transcript of YouTube 5/5 – Who needs Body Stress Release?

All ages need it from birth to 90+

I am two weeks old. I want to enjoy  this new life I’ve been given. I’ve got an unbearable pain in my tummy it makes me scream for hours and hours. My mum says I’ve got colic and gives me something which helps soothe the  pain, but I know she’s feeling panicky as well.

This is so embarrassing. I’m nearly 5 and I still wet my bed. Help! I’m desperate.

 I’m now getting big. I’m having pain in my joints and legs. Mum says these are growing pains. My friend is much taller than me and has no pain, so I think I’m gonna be a giant.

Why must we grow up? I am having terrible period pains, hopefully the doctor can help me.

With my studying I often get headaches, but if I take medication on time, I can possibly avoid the inevitable migraine which follows.

I’m now getting older and working, you know, I’m doing the serious stuff. I battle to sleep, but I’ve got tablets which I take that helps me.

Ever since I stopped exercising I get those horrible calf cramps at night. I read somewhere that I might be deficient in magnesium.

This morning I woke up with a sore back, I’m feeling like I’m 100 years old and I’m only 40! If I get up slowly and ease myself onto my legs, I can sometimes avoid that stabbing pain, just to the side of my spine, which radiates  down my leg at times. The doctor says I have sciatica. I used to be able to stretch it out, but lately, I’ve been popping pills and that helps.

.Phew! It’s been a tough day at work and  there’s that burning pain between my shoulders. Sometimes it feels like someone’s  sticking a knife into me. I must join the gym, I obviously need more exercise.

Ever since my mom has been in hospital, my neck is so stiff and my jaw is  tight. I think I’m grinding my teeth.

Today I really battled to hang up the washing. My arms just won’t go up above my head or even behind my back. I’m taking painkillers, but they’re not really working.

My family is now taking turns to help me put my socks and shoes on, because I am just too stiff to reach my feet. The pills are helping, but I’ve got constipation. The leaflet said it might be the  
medication. So I stopped it, but the constipation  is still there. I have found some tablets that  
might help it. My indigestion is less lately. I do hope it goes.

I’m now 84 and I can’t stand up straight anymore. Well, I suppose I’m lucky I can  walk at all!

These are all symptoms we might have had some time in our lives. Has it ever occurred  to you, that they might be related? Maybe your body’s healing capacity has been compromised?

Maybe Body Stress Release could help you?

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