BSR YouTubeTranscript – 1

Transcript of YouTube 1/5 – What is Body Stress?

Back pain, Headaches, Cramps, Sciatica, Pins & Needles.

Body Stress is stored tension that may lead to back pain, headaches, cramps, sciatica, pins and needles, constipation, heartburn, indigestion, numbness, fatigue, neck pain, joint pain, etc. Tension gets stored in the body as a result of an overload of mechanical, chemical, and emotional stress. Layers of tension compromise our body’s capacity to heal by compressing nerve pathways and narrowing joint spaces. Body Stress Release helps restore your self-healing capacity by releasing these nerve pathways.

Our technique is called Body Stress Release, so I think let’s start off by understanding exactly what that means.

What is stress?

If you look up “stress” in the dictionary, you’ll find it means a “pressure” or a “force”, a “tension” against the body. If I’m wiggling my fingers, I’m essentially stressing my body. We tend to think of stresses as always being something that’s very negative, but it isn’t the case at all. It can be during happy times that we are stressed as well. So it’s important to know.

We’ll go into that in a bit more depth just now. And then we get body stress.

What is body stress?

Well that’s quite simple. Body stress is merely a tight muscle. So when your muscle is tight, you have a stress in your body. Let’s have a look and see how we get to battle with these stresses. The first stress we’re going to look at, is what we call mechanical stress. Mechanical stress is essentially anything that involves muscle and movement. The way we sit, the way we sleep, walking, any sports you might have played. Remembering that we are interested in your whole life, not just one single event, because it is the accumulation of what you’ve done in your whole life that makes you who you are today.

Everything is important. Maybe you’ve fallen down stairs? All these things contribute to mechanical stress. The next one to look at is emotional stress. As woman, we are really good at that. But it could be relationship problems, financial problems. Those of you who have had children? Operations! They can be hugely stressful. Funerals and even weddings. You know weddings can be a really emotional time, there’s usually some drama that you can watch unfolding on the side.

The last stress that we need to look at is chemical stress. Chemical stress is something that we’re not always aware of. This would be anything that’s toxic to your body, so it can be different for different people and we’re looking at things like insecticides or preservatives that we find in foods. It could be car fumes or medication. Often medication has huge side effects that we don’t actually realize are going on. Often we’re battling with a combination of the three stresses. We can see this with COVID-19, Where many people have all three, they’ve got the mechanical, chemical, and emotional stress

Please go on to our next YouTube video in the series.

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